Expand your network, grow your community.
Consider networking to expand your contacts, learn of new job opportunities, and enhance your preparation for interviews.
LinkedIn is the leading site for professional networking. Build your connections with UC colleagues and learn more about work happening in other divisions and schools. If heading into an interview, you can also learn more about your interviewers, and staff working in the department.
If you are new to LinkedIn, consider taking LinkedIn courses in the UC Learning Center.
Social Networking Etiquette
When you seek and maintain professional connections via social networking, remember that every contact is creating an impression. Maintain a positive and professional approach when conversing with networking contacts online. Ask thoughtful questions, pay attention to the answers and be polite—this includes sending at least a brief thank-you note anytime someone gives you advice or assistance. You should also be intentional about what you make public or private across your various social media channels. If you have content you would rather an interviewer not see, remove the content or make private.
Additional Networking
Take advantage of in-person events and other programs to network and build new connections. Learn of mixers and events through the UC Davis Staff Assembly or UC Davis Health Staff Assembly, apply to the Group Mentoring Program or the ProShare program, or join an employee resource group or community of practice. A great way to network is to attend trainings with Learning and Organizational Development. Most training classes are made up of staff from across departments, schools, and divisions.
Articles about networking:
The Importance of Networking (and How to Do It Well) (L&OD provides this article as a resource but does not specifically endorse the company or its services.)