Empowering leaders to lead an increasingly diverse workforce.
Diversity—of locations, customers, ideas and talent—is an omnipresent part of today’s work environment. When leaders have clarity about what it means to be highly inclusive, they're positioned for success.
Join the Organizational Excellence team in this interactive, research-based monthly series that prepares leaders to develop inclusive workplaces where everyone feels valued and respected.
"Open-mindedness and a desire for exposure to different ideas have fast become leadership traits crucial to success, especially in challenging times. Curiosity and openness are hallmarks of inclusive leaders, who hunger for other perspectives to minimize their blind spots and improve their decision-making."
-- The Six Signature Traits of Inclusive Leadership-Thriving in a Diverse New World, a study by Deloitte Australia
To read Deloitte's study, click here
Registration and More Information on Each Session:
Introduction Trait #1: Commitment Trait #2: Courage
Trait #3: Cognizance Check-In Conversation #1 Trait #4: Curiosity
Trait #5: Cultural Intelligence Trait #6: Collaboration Check-In Conversation #2
Recorded Presentations and Slides
- Introduction and Overview of the Series
- - Recorded Presentation
- Powerpoint Slides - Commitment
- - Recorded Presentation
- Powerpoint Slides - Courage
- - Recorded Presentation
- Powerpoint Slides - Cognizance
- - Recorded Presentation
- Powerpoint Slides
- Cognitive Bias Codex
- Identifying Bias Tool - Curiosity
- - Recorded Presentation
- Powerpoint Slides - Check-In Conversation #1
- - Recorded Presentation
- Powerpoint Slides - Cultural Intelligence
- - Recorded Presentation
- Powerpoint Slides
- Cultural Intelligence Diagnostic Tool - Collaboration
- - Recorded Presentation
- Powerpoint Slides
- Defusing an Emotionally Charged Conversation with a Colleague PDF
- Collaboration Toolkit PDF
- Delegation Tactics PDF - Check-In Conversation #2
- - The presentation for this check-in is unavailable
- Powerpoint Slides
- Final Circle PDF
Presenters from Organizational Excellence

Gayle Guest-Brown, PCC, MBA
Gayle is a recognized leader in consulting and developing leaders in diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging throughout UC Davis and beyond. She completed the certification in Diversity and Inclusion through Cornell University.
Gayle brings 30 years of successful leadership experience across five business sectors to her current position as an Executive Leadership Coach and Senior Organizational Development Consultant.
>> Learn more about Gayle

Vicky Tibbs, MBA, ACC
Vicky Tibbs aims to bring authenticity and fulfilment into the workplace, looking forward at possibilities. Bringing the experience of her 16-year tenure at UC Davis Health, she enthusiastically partners with clients in strategic planning, team building, change management, increasing employee engagement, and other organizational effectiveness projects.
>> Learn more about Vicky

Dorothy Lingren, PCC, MA
Dorothy Lingren believes that self-awareness inspires change. She strives to challenge herself and the leaders she coaches to notice current behaviors and integrate new approaches. Dorothy is also a seasoned Organization Development practitioner with over 30 years of experience in health care, high-tech, production, state government, and education. In this role she partners to implement strategic, innovative leadership and team development initiatives that create more inclusive, engaged cultures.
>> Learn more about Dorothy