woman looking up from her computer at a collague, smiling

WorkLife Resources for Managers

UC Davis provides the resources, action plans, and strategies that managers and supervisors may need to contribute to the overall well-being of employees.


  • Why Managers Should Prioritize Employee Well-Being
  • When employees feel their employer cares about their well-being, they’re 38 percent more engaged. It starts with acknowledging all areas of employee well-being including physical and mental health, meaningful work, emotional challenges, and work-life harmony.

    Managers play a significant role in employee well-being and engagement, which we know are two drivers in becoming a great place to work.
    - Employees rate their relationships with direct supervisors as more important to job satisfaction then benefits. 
    - A strong manager relationship leads to more productive, efficient and loyal employees who create less conflict.
    - Employees supervised by a highly engaged manager are 59 percent more likely to be engaged.