College of Biological Sciences
Monthly bulletin from the dean, as well as stories highlighting research, outstanding students, donor profiles, featured videos and high-profile speaker events in the college.
Frequency: Monthly
Audience: Staff, Academic Employees, Students, General Public
Campus: Davis Campus
Newsletter Archive

The Blue (and Gold) Print
Design and Construction Management
Learn about DCM's upcoming capital projects, delivering high-quality buildings at the forefront of green building design, transforming existing facilities using state-of-the-art systems, and more.
Frequency: Quarterly
Audience: Staff, Academic Employees, Students
Campus: Davis Campus
Newsletter Archive

Campus Recreation
Campus Recreation
Timely news, events updates and information. Includes: The ARC, Aquatics, Craft Center, Equestrian Center, Living Well, Outdoor Adventures, Rec Sports, Sport Clubs and the UC Davis Marching Band.
Frequency: Monthly
Audience: Staff, Academic Employees, Students, Community
Campus: Davis Campus and UC Davis Health

College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Provides a roundup of our latest research stories, videos, grant awards, accolades and upcoming events, plus thoughts from the Dean.
Frequency: Monthly
Audience: Staff, Academic Employees, Students, Community, General Public
Campus: Davis Campus
Newsletter Archive

IET Connect
Information & Educational Technology
Quarterly newsletter on the latest tech news, innovative resources, inspiring stories, and upcoming events from Information and Educational Technology (IET).
Frequency: Quarterly
Audience: Staff, Academic Employees, Students
Campus: Davis Campus
Newsletter Archive

School of Education
Monthly updates about School of Education faculty, students, research and events, including stories, photo galleries and videos.
Frequency: Monthly
Audience: Academic Employees, Students, Staff, General Public
Campus: Davis Campus Newsletter Archive

SA Connect
Student Affairs
Your source for what's happening in Student Affairs! Updates and information relevant to Division of Student Affairs staff and interested members of the UC Davis community.
Frequency: Bimonthly
Audience: Staff
Campus: Davis Campus

The Spreadsheet
Finance and Business
Provides important updates, events and deadlines for the UC Davis budget, finance, and business operations community.
Frequency: Monthly
Audience: Staff
Campus: Davis Campus
Newsletter Archive

SSO Briefing
Shared Services Organization
Provides timely information on Aggie Service, payroll and HR updates, career spotlights and staffing changes.
Frequency: Quarterly
Audience: Clients of the Shared Services Organization including Health service channels
Campus: Davis Campus
Newsletter Archive

Supply Chain Link
Supply Chain Management
Information about all things Supply Chain Management, including purchasing, travel, payments, shipping and mailing, special services, AggieSupply stores and Repro Graphics. To subscribe, click the button below and send an email to the address that appears.
Frequency: Monthly
Audience: Staff
Campus: Davis Campus and UC Davis Health

UC Davis Stores
UC Davis Stores
Receive timely news, information and updates on sales, new product introductions and events happening at UC Davis Stores online store as well as our retail locations.
Frequency: Monthly
Audience: Staff, Academic Employees, Students, Community, General Public
Campus: Davis Campus and UC Davis Health