“We need a plan.”
“We are all going in different directions.”
How many times have you heard some version of these words from your team members or even from your leader?
UC Davis is pleased to announce that Gayle Guest-Brown, MBA, PCC, CPC, Senior Organizational Development Consultant, is being honored as a Champion for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion by the Sacramento Business Journal.
Learning & Organizational Development's new guide is a reliable resource - no matter what level of understanding you have of the strategic planning process.
This interactive and informative session will explore engagement, team agreements, micro-aggressions, and how to use the Crucial Conversations framework to engage in true dialogues, even when faced with tough conversations.
Having open and productive conversations is more important now than ever. We find ourselves with multiple high-stakes, high emotion situations in which opinions differ greatly.
A catalyst for thriving, sustainable leaders & organizations
Thriving organizations develop and exist through the integration of effective leaders, high functioning teams, engaged employees, and the agility to initiate, manage and socialize change. Organizational Development, part of Learning and Organizational Development (L&OD), partners with leaders, teams and organizations on all three levels to build and maintain strength and resilience. Our four broad categories of service offerings reflect our dedication to a thriving UC Davis.