Clinical Enterprise Management Recognition Plan (CEMRP) 2

UC Davis Health provides financial incentive to recognize eligible, non-represented staff and managers for their contributions toward improving lives and transforming health care.

UC Davis Health supports employee recognition by investing annually in the Clinical Enterprise Management Recognition Plan (CEMRP 2).

CEMRP2 FY 23/24 Goals:
Information Sessions

Session #1
Tuesday, Aug. 20
Register here

Session #2
Wednesday, Aug. 21
Register here

CEMRP 2 FY 23/24 Results: Information Session (PPT)

CEMRP 2 FY 23/24 Goals: Information Session (PPT)

1. Overview

CEMRP2 provides eligible employees with a contingent financial incentive award for those who attain or exceed key clinical enterprise:

  • Individual Objectives
  • Institutional Objectives, and
  • Division/Department Objectives

Achievement is measured based on specific quality of care, patient safety and strategic operational objectives, as well as critical financial and/or other business objectives.

→ Eligibility

  • Non-represented UC Davis Health employees meeting the following requirements are eligible:
    • Hired before Jan. 1 to be eligible for current fiscal year participation
    • Career appointment
    • Current on all mandatory training
    • Received fully achieved expectations, or above, in last performance evaluation
    • On active pay status and in a non-represented position at the end of the plan year, with limited exceptions
  • Program eligibility reviewed annually – Program eligibility is reviewed at the beginning of each fiscal year, July 1.  Eligibility is based on the criteria identified in the CEMRP 2 Plan Document, including position and pay status.
  • New hires, internal transfers and intercampus transfer – In general, career staff hired prior to January 1 are usually eligible to participate in the current fiscal year CEMRP2.   Internal transfers and intercampus transfers are also eligible to participate, and the level of participation is subject to date of transfer, position and pay status.  In these situations, please contact the resource person identified in the ‘Support’ section.
  • Represented employee participation – Represented employees are currently not included in CEMRP 2.
  • Opting out of CEMRP 2 – To opt out of CEMRP 2, an employee should advise UC Davis Health Compensation Services via email or in writing.  For contact names, please refer to ‘Support’ section. 

2. CEMRP 2 Timeline

CEMRP 2 is approved on a fiscal year basis, and runs from July 1 to June 30.

February 9, 2024Submission of objectives for FY 2023-24
September 30, 2024Submission of results for FY 2023-24
November 13, 2024Target payout of CEMRP 2 results for FY 2023-24

3. Individual Objectives

Individual Objectives are designed to encourage participants’ maximum effort and demonstration of individual excellence.  Individual Objectives provide focus, direction and set expectations.  Individual Objectives also provide motivation to work towards the overarching UC Davis Health Institutional Objectives.

staff member writing on whiteboard and looking at colleague. → Complete 3 Individual Objectives

Managers and other defined tiered positions are generally required to complete three Individual Objectives. 
Positions required to complete three Individual Objectives are identified as per the CEMRP 2 FY 23-24 Systemwide Plan Document and the CEMRP 2 FY 23-24 UCDH Plan Addendum, and are typically managerial in nature.

If objectives are not met, awards are not paid out.


  • Setting SMART Individual Objectives
  • S - Specific and Stretching:  The objective should be specific and clear.  The objective should be stretching or challenging, to motivate achievement.
    M - Measurable:  Objectives should set out what success looks like and how it will be measured.
    A – Achievable and Agreed:  Objectives should be realistically achievable and agreed between the employee and their manager.
    R - Relevant:  The objectives should be relevant and aligned with Department/Divisional Objectives and Institutional Objectives.
    T - Timeframe:  Employee and managers should agree on set target dates for when objectives are to be completed.
  • Identify Threshold, Target and Maximum Performance Levels for each Individual Objective
  • Threshold:  Represents the minimum acceptable performance standards for which a recognition award can be paid.  This level represents satisfactory results, but less than full achievement of the Individual Objective
    Target:  Represents successful attainment of expected level of performance against Individual Objective
    Maximum:  Represents results which clearly and significantly exceed all performance expectations for the year.  This level of accomplishment should be rare.

Download Job Aid for Entering Individual Objectives in UCPath

4. Award Calculations

→ Supervisors and Non-Represented Employees

The award is a straight payout, and does not increase base salary.

  • Supervisory staff can receive a maximum of $1,200
  • Non-represented staff can receive a maximum of $1,000

Calculating the award

  • 50% based on achievement of Institutional Objectives
  • 50% based on achievement of Department/Division Objectives

→ Managers

The award is a straight payout, and does not increase base salary.

  • Managers receive a percentage of pay as outlined in the plan document, based on position classification. 

Calculating the award

  • 50% based on achievement of Institutional Objectives
  • 50% based on achievement of Individual Objectives

5. Institutional Objectives

Institutional Objectives encourage cross-departmental teamwork and recognize the joint effort needed to meet challenging organizational objectives. Institutional Objectives are established in a consultative process with leaders across UC Davis Health and align with UC Health’s systemwide objectives established by the Office of the President. 

→ UC Davis Institutional Objectives for FY2023-24 are:

  1. People & Service
  2. Quality and Safety
  3. Stewardship

Refer to the UCDH CEMRP FY 2023-24 Institutional Objectives for more details.

6. Division/Department Objectives (worksheet submission required)

Division/Department Objectives encourage team and individual effort.

  • Division/Department Objectives Worksheet (completed by Division/Department leader)
  • Submission of the Division/Department CEMRP 2 Objectives Worksheet is required at the beginning of the fiscal year to set objectives, and again at the end of the fiscal year to record performance level achieved.

    Download Division/Department CEMRP 2 Objectives Worksheet (.xlsx)

    1.  Each Division/Department assigns a Department or Division Leader to complete the Division/Department Objectives Worksheet

    2.  For submission at beginning of FY, complete this section:
    screengrab from department objectives worksheet.
    3.  For submission at end of FY, complete this section by marking the appropriate performance level:
    screengrab from department objectives worksheet.
    4.  Obtain the necessary approvals on the Worksheet before submitting

    5.  Sign, scan and email to

→ Setting Division/Department Objectives

The Division or Department Leader develops three stretch objectives that:

  1. Are aligned with Institutional Objectives
  2. Are measurable
  3. Involve all program participants
  4. Do not duplicate the leader’s Individual Objectives
  • Objective Categories:
  • Each of the three objectives should relate to one of the following:
    • Financial Performance
    • Quality Improvements
    • Patient Satisfaction
    • Key Initiatives in Support of the Strategic Plan
    • People and other Resource Management
  • Goal Benchmark or Baseline:
  • Include the baseline date that will be used to support each Objective.
    For example, if Objective is to increase a satisfaction score, note the current satisfaction score.
  • Measurement and Documentation:
  • Measurement of each objective should set out what success looks like, and how it will be measured.
    • Documentation of source documents that reference division/department objectives tracking should be maintained (e.g., meeting minutes, monthly reports).
    • Source documents are required at the end of the fiscal year when reporting results.  UCOP Internal Audit Services conducts audits each year of Division/Department Objective Worksheets and documentation supporting results.
  • Performance Levels:
  • • Threshold (50%):  One of three Division/Department Objectives met
    • Target (75%):  Two of three Division/Department Objectives met
    • Outstanding (100%):  Three of three Division/Department Objectives met

7. CEMRP 2 Resources