Job Builder: Creation, Classification, Storage of Staff Job Descriptions

Job Builder is UC Davis Health’s new software solution for managing job descriptions, classifications and compensation actions, and viewing job standards.  

Access Job Builder (use Single Sign-On button)

Use Job Builder for 
Classification and Compensation Actions:​

  • Initiating and approving classification requests, including:
    • New and replacement recruitments
    • Reclassifications
    • Job description updates
  • Stipend and equity actions
  • One-time payments
  • Accessing and downloading job descriptions
  • Initiating employee and supervisor job description acknowledgement
Benefits include:

The new job description tool will bring consistency between UC Davis and the rest of the UC, and provide UC Davis immediate access to updated job standards, which are all maintained by UC Office of the President (UCOP)​. 

For Supervisors and Managers

  • Provides direct access to job descriptions for direct/indirect reports 
  • Offers a library of job descriptions to help promote consistency and standardization that can help speed up hiring​​.  
  • Handles routing and approval signatures (including employee acknowledgement) within the tool.   
  • Gives hiring managers the ability to preview the job posting when working on a recruitment action.

For All Staff Employees

  • Download your own job description directly through Job Builder.
  • Access and compare job standards for any job function, including your own.  


PeopleAdmin News

  • Davis Campususes PeopleAdmin and will move to Job Builder in September 2024. 
  • All PA Users retain view/read only access to PA to access historical actions and data (e.g., position descriptions). 
  • After Davis Campus Go Live all historical actions will be moved from PA to a searchable data solution. 

Job Builder Training & Support

All Staff and Supervisors

Opening slide to training. Reads My Job Builder Online Training. This training will introduce you to the features available to you in the Job Builder system including how to access your job description.
Access in UC Learning Center. 

The My Job Builder course introduces staff at both UC Davis Health and the Davis campus to the Job Builder software, including self-access to their job description and features such as the Job Standards and Job Standards Matrix. After completing the course learners can confidently access and navigate the Job Builder software. Course Duration: 25 minutes.

  • ​​​​Job Aids
  • FAQs
    1.) What is Job Builder?
    2.) What do I need to access Job Builder?
    3.) What is a node?

    Find these answers and more in the full FAQ (PDF)

Initiators, Reviewers, Approvers

Workflow Management in Job Builder: Health, is the foundational training for initiators, approvers and reviewers to effectively use the Job Builder software. The training introduces learners to their unique user dashboard, the JD catalog and the overall workflow process. Step-by-step instruction to initiating a new recruitment as well as taking action on a current job description is discussed. This course is targeted to users at UC Davis Health and School of Medicine / School of Nursing. 

Read questions submitted at earlier sessions

  • Job Aids 
  1. How to Write an Effective Job Description (PDF)
  2. Completing Physical, Environmental and Mental Requirements (PDF)
  3. Initiating a New Position Workflow (PDF)
  4. Take Action on Current Job Description (PDF)
    (Replacements, Reclasses, Stipends, JD Updates, Equities, One-Time Payments)
  5. Department Library and Job Description Catalog (PDF)
  6. Managing Workflow Participants and Associated Notifications
  7. Clinical Ladder Reclassification: Clinical Nurse 2-3
  8. L3 Approver Look-Up Tool - in Job Builder, you must select your L3 approver when you initiate your workflow. In most cases, this will be the same user who approved your actions in PeopleAdmin. If you have questions regarding who to select as your L3 in Job Builder, please contact your departmental/divisional administrative contact. 


  • Job Builder Template Change Request Form
    This form is to request a change to a Job Builder standardized template. Please download the form and follow the instructions within to complete. Submit the completed form with the proposed template revisions via AggieService


Job Builder Alerts

On June 20 and 21, a large number of unintended Job Description Acknowledgement (JDA) emails were sent from Job Builder to UC Davis employees. Emails sent on June 20 and 21 can be ignored and no action is required. Any emails received to acknowledge a job description on or after 6/22/24 are legitimate. 

  • Read More
  • The Job Builder (JB) system, our new job description software, launched 6/4/24 for UC Davis Health, School of Medicine and School of Nursing.

    An aspect of the new system is Job Description Acknowledgement (JDA), which replaces physically signing a job description with digitally acknowledging. 

    This is initiated by an email notification to the supervisor, then, following supervisor acknowledgement, an email to the employee to complete. 

    Emails from this address and the link contained within are safe.

    Between 6/20/24-6/21/24 a large number of unintended JDA emails were triggered and sent. These emails (from 6/20/24-6/21/24) can be ignored, no action is required. 

    These JDA instances have been deleted from the system and the team has fixed the email trigger. 

    Any emails received to acknowledge a job description on or after 6/22/24 are legitimate. 

    Between 6/22/24-6/25/24, these emails displayed “” as the sending email address. These are legitimate.  

    These emails now come from “No reply email on behalf of”. 

    Messaging was sent to targeted Job Builder users 6/21/24 regarding the issue, however, please share this communication as appropriate.

    For more information on Job Builder, please reference the recent article from “The Insider” here, and the Job Builder website here.

Where Job Builder Fits in Recruiting Process

  • UC Davis Health
  • Workflow diagram for UC Davis Health recruitments and other compensation actions.
  • Davis Campus
  • Job Builder workflow