Career Tracks - Wave III Implementation
The implementation of Career Tracks will be completed at the end of July for UC Davis Health and the end of August on the Davis campus. This final phase of implementation will conclude UC Davis' efforts to assign a Career Tracks payroll title to all non-represented staff.
While the vast majority of payroll titles for non-represented staff were assigned a Career Tracks job standard in December 2017, there was a small population for whom implementation was intentionally delayed. The timeline below identifies the milestones associated with the Wave III implementation of Career Tracks. This will impact the remaining population of staff yet to be assigned their Career Tracks payroll title, as well as the supervisors and managers of those individuals who have the ability to review the preliminary mapping and request reconsideration.
Please visit the Career Tracks pages for answers to many questions or contact your departmentally assigned Compensation Analyst on the Davis Campus or at UC Davis Health.
Additional resources for Davis campus:
- Reconsideration FAQ (Davis campus)
- Reconsideration Matrix (Davis campus)
- Request for Reconsideration (Davis campus)