Photo of Student.

Minimum Wage Increase for Student Assistants effective Jan. 1, 2021

A minimum wage increase will become effective Jan. 1, 2021 for Student Assistant II, III, IV.

On Jan 1, 2021 the minimum wage will increase to $14/hour pursuant to amendments to Section 1182.2 of the California Labor Code. The minimum wage will continue to increase by $1/hour annually, until it reaches $15/hour on Jan. 1, 2022.

At UC Davis, the minimum wage increase affects Student Assistant II, III and IV titles as outlined below. Student Assistants who are below the minimum range for their title code will receive an increase equal to the salary range minimum for the respective title code. Please share this information with your impacted Student Assistants and please note that salary increases are a departmental cost.

No Action Necessary

Human Resources is working with Central Payroll and the UC Path Center to update the payroll systems and bring all impacted titles up to their new minimum rates by Jan. 1, 2021.

New Salary Range Minimums - Effective Jan. 1, 2021
Title Code Payroll Title Current Minimum New Minimum (2021) 
4921, 4923
  • Student Asst. II 
  • Student Asst. II Non-UC 
$13.00 $14.00
4920, 4924
  • Student Asst. III
  • Student Asst. III Non-UC 
$13.25 $14.25
4919, 4925
  • Student Asst. IV  
  • Student Asst. IV Non-UC 
$13.50 $14.50


Please Contact: 

  • HR Business Partner - 
  • Davis Campus Compensation Services (530) 752-5311
  • UC Davis Health Compensation (916) 734-5009 or Payroll (916) 734-9150
