What kind of skills and demonstrated experience do you need to be considered for TES?
Clerical and Administrative Positions
The greatest percentage of our jobs are in the administrative and clerical field where we need individuals who have demonstrated experience working in an office setting. Successful applicants have the expertise to perform general office tasks, are familiar with word-processing software, and possess the ability to handle multi-tasking with ease.
When an application is received in our office, we review the employment history to make sure the applicant has both the skills and experience necessary to be a successful TES employee. If the application demonstrates and meets TES' requirements, the applicant is invited for an interview. Once the interview is completed, reference checks will be conducted. All prospective TES hires undergo a background check. Some Positions on the Davis Campus and all positions located at the UC Davis Health require both a background check and a pre-placement medical evaluation.
Final determinations for hire are made based on the steps already completed and the availability of an assignment. The actual hiring and placement in a position can be anywhere from one week to several months depending on the need.
Computer and Programmer Positions
Some job requests are in the computer resource specialist and programmer fields. Job requests are usually specific as to the platform and software expertise required.
Technical Positions
Occasionally there are job requests in certain technical areas, such as laboratory helpers and animal technicians.
Service-related Positions
Service positions in Davis and at the Medical Center include laborers, custodians, cooks, food service workers, etc. Before a service applicant can be hired, they must successfully complete a pre-placement physical.
Analyst Positions
TES receives requests for individuals able to provide analytical skills in many areas of data collection such as finance, results of assessments, grants/contracts, academic advising, budgets, etc. Project management is another skill often requested in a typical analyst position.