Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents


  • Who do I contact to view or receive a copy of my personnel file?
  • To receive a copy of your personnel file, you can create an Aggie Service Case at Make sure to login at the top right, and then select “Submit a Case” to make a request to view or obtain a copy of your personnel file.
  • I am due for a service pin. Where is my pin?
  • Service Awards are sent to hospital directors and school deans to distribute to their respective department managers. If you have not received your expected service pin, create an Aggie Service Case at and by selecting and filling out “Ask a Question”. 

    • If you recently transferred, your previous department may have received the pin. Please contact your previous department to verify prior to creating an AggieService case.
  • What are Service Awards?
  • Service Awards are given to employees for achieving 5 years of qualifying UC and state service, and for every additional 5 years of UC employment service thereafter. At the end of the month in which an employee qualifies, the service award is sent to the hospital director or school dean to distribute to the employee’s department manager. Service Award Milestones and Associated Recognition Gift:  

    • 05 years:  University pin embossed
    • 10 years:  University pin embossed
    • 15 years:  University pin with 1 sapphire
    • 20 years:  University pin with 2 sapphires
    • 25 years:  University pin with 3 sapphires
    • 30 years:  University pin with 4 sapphires
    • 35 years:  University pin with 5 sapphires
    • 40 years:  University pin with 1 diamond
    • 45 years:  University pin with 2 diamonds
  • How can I get verification of employment?
  • For comprehensive employment and income verification instructions, please visit the Employment Verification page on the UC Davis Finance and Business website.
  • How do I request an FTE change or correction?
  • 1. First, ELR will need to review the request, you may submit to ELR here.
    2. Once ELR has reviewed, complete the following form below: 

    3. Submit an Aggie Service Case and attach the following required documents:

    • FTE Voluntary Increase/Decrease Form
    • Copy of email approval from ELR
      • If you have a Dept change in addition to the FTE change, you may add the Dept change form and information to the same AggieService request. Please fill out the FTE change form accordingly and follow the instructions in the Dept change/correction FAQ below.


    4. Once all the above has been accomplished, the Records Unit will review and process the request.

  • How do I request a department change or correction?
  • 1. First, ELR will need to review the request, you may submit to ELR here.
    2. Once ELR has reviewed, complete the following form below: 

    3. Submit an Aggie Service Case and attach the following required documents:

    • HR Transfer Request Form
    • Copy of email approval from ELR
      • If you have an FTE change in addition to the Dept change, you may add this to the Dept change request. Please fill out the Dept change form accordingly and follow the instructions in the FTE change/correction FAQ above.

    4. The Records Unit will review and process the request.

  • How do I request multiple Reports to Changes at once?
  • You may request multiple Reports to Changes in one case. To do so, first add a note on the case informing that the case is for multiple employees. Then, fill out and attach a Mass RTC Update template to the case.
  • I want to extend a student. What attachments will I need to submit alongside an AggieService case?
  • No attachment is required to extend a student. Please visit our Student Employment Supervisor Updates for more information regarding student employment.

UCPath Self-Service

There are several changes and actions you can do yourself on UC Path without submitting a request, via Employee Actions, such as changing personal information, submitting veteran/disability status, or transferring state service

  • Find a list of them here.