Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs are being added and updated regularly. 

Health and Safety Topics
  • Tell me more flexing around public health concerns
  • Please refer to the Campus Ready Website regarding current regulations and guidance surrounding public health measures, infectious disease status and mitigation including campus operations and testing/reporting/vaccination requirements.

Flexible Work Topics
  • Is there a UC Davis policy regarding Flexible Work?
  • Yes. The UC Davis Flexible Work policies are listed below. 


  • Is there a specific form to be completed for Remote or Hybrid-Remote Flexible Work Arrangements?
  • Yes.  If you have an ongoing, consistent (not temporary) flex arrangement, UC Davis requires a current Flexible Work Agreement that outlines the terms and conditions for remote or hybrid-remote work.  In addition, your unit will likely require that a Flexible Work Schedule be completed as well - this document captures the details of the arrangement such as days on or off-site, communication expectations, etc.  Please check with your supervisor or unit Flexible Work Liaison for your unit's process.  All forms and a general process can be found on the Formalizing Flexible Work Arrangements web page.
  • How do I approach my supervisor about wanting to continue remote work?
  • If your supervisor hasn’t raised the topic, reach out to them to ask about options and expectations.  You may find it helpful to complete the Remote-Ability Self Assessment to help structure your conversation. Refer to the Employee Toolkit for advice on approaching your supervisor.  If your supervisor or manager will not address flex work with you, you may go to your unit's Flexible Work Liaison for assistance in opening that conversation.
  • Who can I talk to if I disagree with a decision about remote work?
  • Denials for requests for remote or hybrid-remote work must be reviewed before final decision by designated leaders in each school, college or division - that secondary level of review will be someone other than your direct supervisor/manager.  For questions on the review process for your area, please contact your Flexible Work Liaison.
  • Is it an option to work 100% remotely?
  • Yes. If the requirements of the position and department can be met, a position can be fully remote – with approval from the department and division/school/college.
  • Can remote workers be out-of-state?
  • All out-of-state requests should be reviewed at the leadership level within a school, college or division

    >>  Out-of-state work is supported by UC from a payroll and tax perspective
    >>  Employees would be responsible for travel costs to visit the University worksite
    >>  Benefits selections may need to be adjusted for available coverage out-of-state
          -- Options: CORE, UC Care and the UC Health Savings Plan 

    UCOP Guidance:  The University is registered in all 44 states that impose an income tax. To ensure appropriate tax withholding, current UC employees who relocate outside California must change their address and withholding information in UCPath to the state in which the employee’s services are performed (not the UC job location).

  • Can remote workers be out of the country (international)?
  • UC Davis does not permit staff employees to work outside of the United States as part of flexible work arrangements.

    For UC Davis programs or projects that operate internationally and require staff to be employed and located outside the USA, review and approvals are required at Vice Chancellor/Vice Provost/Dean level, with the involvement of appropriate central offices, given the complex tax, legal and compliance considerations.

On-Site Work Topics
  • If I work from home, will I still have a workstation on campus?
  • When a remote employee works onsite, a workspace (potentially shared) will be made available to them according to parameters defined at the school, college or division level.  In general employees who spend the majority of their time working remotely will not have dedicated workstations or equipment on campus and will instead use a shared workspace when on-site.
    For this reason, it’s important that supervisors and staff schedule time on- and off-site and setup on-site workspaces accordingly.  Supervisors and Managers can check with their unit's Flexible Work Liaison for guidance or the Off-Site Planning page for UC Davis recommendations.
  • Is help available for cleaning out and reorganizing workspaces, including shredding paper records?
  • Yes. Please contact Space Management or submit a Space Project Needs Request at

Off-Site Work Topics
  • Will the university pay for phone or internet (or upgraded internet) for home offices?
  • While specific parameters will be defined when UCOP guidelines are finalized, the expectation is that the university will not pay for internet or phone services.

    It’s expected that those who work remotely establish appropriate levels of internet and phone service.
    Keep in mind that each type of work model carries associated expenses...on-site workers may incur parking and commuting costs while remote workers may incur equipment and/or technology costs.
  • If I am a remote worker and geographically distant from campus, will UC Davis pay my travel expenses for coming on-site for occasional meetings or events?
  • Per UC Policy, employees who are allowed to work remotely, no matter the location, are responsible for all cost of travel to campus (or location of UCD office).